The Poseidon Adventure (2005 film)

The Poseidon Adventure is a 2005 action and adventure madeforTV film based on Paul Gallicos novel of the same name. It is a remake of the 1972 film of the same name.

Passenger and father, Richard Clarke, is having an affair with Shoshana, a crew member. His family is drifting away from him and his wife, Rachael, kicks him out of the familys stateroom. Dylan, their 12yearold son witnesses this and is devastated. His older sister, Shelby, is in nursing school and falls in love with the ships doctor Ballard. On New Years Eve, a bomb planted by a terrorist explodes. A second bomb is planned to explode, but was earlier dismantled by sea marshall, Rogo. Because water is now entering only one side of the ship, it tips over throwing many people to their deaths. As the ship continues to tilt, the centre of gravity on the ship causes it to flip completely into an upsidedown position. Many passengers and crew are injured, crippled, or killed. Ballards arm is seriously injured. Shelby and one of the showgirls are trapped on a table that is secured to the floor, which is now the ceiling. They are both rescued. Shelby and Ballard then begin helping the injured. A small group of survivors, including Shelbys mother, prepare to escape the sinking ship through the hole left by the bomb. The cruise director convinces most survivors in the ballroom to stay, telling them the ship is not sinking. Shelby decides to stay and help the injured, but knows her mother and younger brother need to leave before its too late. The others leave the ballroom as Shelbys mother promises to leave traces where the group has gone. They then painfully depart and Shelby waves to her mother with a bloody hand as episode one ends.Episode two begins with the navy realizing that the S.S. Poseidon has gone missing, and they send out a rescue team. In one of the Poseidon crew quarters, Richard and Shoshana reach the ballroom through an air vent. Shelby confronts Shoshona, as Richard decides to follow Rachael and the others with Ballard, Shelby, and Shoshana. As they leave the ballroom, a huge amount of water rushes into the ballroom, killing everyone who didnt listen to Richa

Source: Wikipedia